It is quite evident that the process facilities are some of the most complex built environments in existence and constant maintenance projects means that existing plans often bare little or no resemblance to the as built condition. The largest proportion of wasted cost and time in these sites can be directly traced to inaccurate documentation and dimensional uncertainty, but that doesn't have to be the case.
Scannpoint USA offers 3D laser scanning which will capture the details required to pull out the dimensional details and capture the site in 3D very quickly, whilst at the same time minimising disruption. Once scanned our Scan engineers will convert the point data to an accurate 3D model and shall be presented to the clients for further usage. This model can then be tagged with intelligence to show P&ID numbers, photos, technical documentation and historical survey information.
By having an accurate as-built model, future revamp projects to brown field sites can be executed andvirtually the clashes can be anticipated and ensured to get it resolved so that at the very first time the structural frame or piping or equipments fit on site without any hindrances.