3D Laser Scanning Services

Hand Held Scannig

Hand Held

Close or short range scanning can be utilised for Heritage buildings, Monuments, and any kind of a large range of industrial metrology and reverse engineering applications, which require far higher tolerances than terrestrial scanning systems. Short range scanning system accuracies are measured in the 0.1mm or even microns.

Scannpoint USA tends to use self-positioning hand held scanner for close range projects however in some instances an arm or tripod system may be used. Like any project it is simply a case of selecting the correct tool for the job, whether we are scanning an item the size of a rugby ball or as big asmotor vehicle.

Short range scan data can also be combined / registered with our data collected from terrestrial systems to provide high resolution scans for areas that cannot be reached with a conventional scanner. For example, scanning inside small ornamental carvings, voids to pick up detailed MEP or the inside of fire affected areas, accident and crime scenes etc.
